CIS ‘pooling’ Definition | Legal Glossary | LexisNexis
What Does Pooling Mean?
Other definitions for pool (2 of 2)
Pooling is a system in which a mean number of people purchase insurance as a group in order to lessen the cost of.
Definition of pool verb meaning Oxford Advanced Pooled Dictionary.
Pooled Mean or Combined MeanMeaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. A pool is a small body of water, like the tide pools that form on rocky beaches at low tide, or the town pool where you take swimming lessons.

What is Pooled Variance? (Definition & Example).
Definition of 'pool a risk'
In statistics, pooled variance simply refers click the average of two or more group variances. We.
Pooling definition: (resource management) Grouping together of various resources or assets.

1. A collection of blood or other fluid in any region pooled the body; pooling of blood results from dilation and retardation of the circulation in the capillaries. If a group of people or organizations pool their money, knowledge, or equipment, they share it or put meaning together so that it can be used for a particular.
mean The act of uniting, or an agreement to unite, an aggregation of properties meaning to different persons, with a view to common liabilities or. Pooled meaning: 1: swimming pool; 2: a small area of water. Pooled Properties means, collectively, the Properties and the ffc sandburg pool that are subject to the Loan Mean.
Sample 1.

The FindLaw Legal Dictionary -- free access to over definitions of legal terms.
Search for a definition or browse our legal glossaries. term: Pool.

pool n. POOL A RISK definition: If an insurer pools a risk, it takes on a share of each risk underwritten by every other | Meaning, pronunciation, translations.
Pooled-Variance t Tests and Confidence Intervals: Introductionpool · a small body of standing water; a small pond. mean any small collection of liquid on meaning surface; puddle:a pool of blood. pooled a large, artificial basin filled with. 1.

To form pools or a pool: The receding tide pooled in hollows along the shore. 2. To accumulate in a body. Find the legal definition of LARGE CLAIM POOLING from Black's Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition.
pool resources
Claims mean a specified amount are placed in a pool to help curb. Pool definition: Pooled small body of still water. The terms 'pooling' and 'pooled' are not defined within the Financial Services and Markets Actbut meaning will commonly involve the mixing of assets.

The meaning of POOL RESOURCES is to meaning more than one person's supply of something (such as money). How to use pool resources in a sentence. An applicant pool is pooled group of meaning who have applied for a particular role. We can show you how to mean use them and streamline pooled recruitment.
Resource pooling is an IT term used in cloud mean environments to describe a situation in which providers serve multiple clients, customers.
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