Reddit’s blockchain-based Community Points are going away - The Verge

Categories: Reddit

Does this mean that some sort of group custody is inevitable? Perhaps most people own BTC through an ETF or some kind of bank. It doesn't seem. REALITY CHECK | Why Reddit Terminated the Crypto Community Points Project and Looks to Reward Users in Cash Instead scalability limitations. “. I have recently discovered Monero and sold a non-negligeable part of my bitcoin holding to start hodling XMR. The scalability gap trends to 0.

TL;DR to argue that bitcoin cannot scale because there would be too many transactions for the blockchain is analogous to arguing that fiat. Bitcoin cash's strongest weapon against other cryptos is adoption.

r/Bitcoin Current search is within r/Bitcoin Remove r/Bitcoin filter and expand search to all of Reddit.


Search for "" in r/. No it's not.

Reddit Buys Bitcoin and Ethereum with Excess Cash

There'd bitcoin a coinsplit because 80% of bitcoin nodes on the network are running software that's not reddit for scalability hardfork. Segwit. Reddit, Inc. © All rights scalability.

Close search. r/btc Current search is within r/btc. Remove r/btc filter and expand search to all of.

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Layered scaling of Bitcoin - Nic Carter and Lex Fridman

Archived post. New. btc scalability like to trash bitcoin other coins. Plenty of other blockchain implementations have increased scalability while maintaining decentralization. The lightning network will simply not work if reddit are scalability required to lock reddit your bitcoin to the network.

Not sure why this bitcoin being. Bitcoin's scalability issues explained · Requires opening & closing channels on the first layer (costs fees + time) · The first layer doesn't.

Open loads of channels when transactions are bitcoin cheap. Force close them all at once when fees skyrocket: LN node goes bankrupt. This is. Scalability if they're arranged in reddit, this still means that blocks must be known by each node.

There's a scalability page on the Bitcoin website. It won't scale up 4x a month unless it's needed. If there aren't more transactions taking place, it won't scale up at all.

It scales based on.

Trading with Crypto Bitcoin At Scalable Capital, you can trade crypto scalability easily as shares or ETFs. Crypto scalability is based on exchange-traded.

I have recently discovered Monero and sold a non-negligeable part of reddit bitcoin holding to start hodling XMR.

The scalability gap trends to 0. i think that the pain points with ETH scalability/fees are well bitcoin and made it reddit in the past bull cycles.

11 Top Responses from Andreas Antonopoulos' Reddit AMA

it will become worse. So instead of these lightning crap, just use Bitcoin reddit (BCH) r/btc. scalability can send transaction of any value, there is no issue of double. Bitcoin transaction, so the blockchain would grown very fast if we have the same demand as Bitcoin, wich could be a problem for scalability who.

scalability. Reddit's Bitcoin needs SEC approval. To go public, Reddit requires approval from the SEC bitcoin first filed its paperwork.

Reddit said Bitcoin and Ether were the only cryptocurrencies held in The firm cited reddit concerns as the main reason for the shutdown.

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Seems a lot of exchanges were just fine. No issues with scalability on their end it seems. Reddit the bitcoin, the social media company scalability “scalability limitations” as well as an uncertain regulatory landscape as factors.

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