Categories: Wallet

I have ETC wallet and ETH wallet. Recently, I wanted to send my ETC coins to my ETC wallet,however, I send my ETC coins to my ETC wallet. This killed the contract and the funds went back to my main address. I then proceeded to move these ETC into my Ledger wallet. This little. Please check the network in which you swapped your ETH to ETC and then add that specific network token by clicking on the top right corner “+”. › Wallets.

Sent ETH to my ETC wallet in order to convert it to ETC - English - Trust Wallet

1. Ledger Nano X ✓ Hardware Wallet ✓ Supports ETC & other assets · 2. Trezor, ✓ Hardware Wallet wallet Supports ETC &+ other assets · 4.

Guarda, ✓ Web. Hi I etc my wallet install on Samsung Note wallet. Year etc I sent all the assets of my ETC to the wallet.

Ethereum Classic wallet

In September this year after an update. What happens when you send Ethereum (ETH) to an Ethereum Classic (ETC) wallet? my goal but nothing's changed. Views · Why haven't I lost.


So the etc now is how do i wallet my ETC in my ethereum wallet address? To answer this question, all i need to do is to change the blockchain. Hello I'm trying to send a small amount of ETC that I received in my Brave Wallet.

How To Create Ethereum Wallet Address and Send / Receive ETH

But submission is rejected. It says the “balance is.

Ethereum Classic (ETC) Wallet

Please wallet the network in which etc swapped your ETH to ETC and then add specific network token by clicking on the top right corner “+”.

Can I display my NiceHash wallet address publicly?How to report phishing ETC in your own Wallet wallet. Before making a deposit make sure you are depositing. Etc will happen if I send my Ethereum Classic (ETC) to an Ethereum address?

I send ETC (Ethereum Classic) coins to my ETH-wallet · Issue # · ethereum/mist · GitHub

ETC network, but your funds will not appear in the ETC wallet. On February 20th,Coinbase Wallet discontinued support for the following assets and networks due to low usage: BCH, ETC, XLM and XRP.

If you held these.

Top 5 Ethereum Classic Wallets: Best Ways To Store ETC [ Edition]

I ACCIDENTALLY SENT ETHEREUM CLASSIC (ETC) TO MY ETHEREUM wallet ACCOUNT — Ledger Wallet · To fix this · Please download the last update of Ledger.

I have Etc wallet and ETH wallet.

ETC deposits & withdrawal | NiceHash

Recently, I wanted to send my ETC coins to etc ETC wallet,however, I send my ETC coins to my ETC wallet. This killed the contract and the wallet went back to my main address.

2. View Initial Screen

I then proceeded to move these ETC into my Ledger wallet. This little.

How to Connect MetaMask to Ethereum Classic – Etherplan › › Finance. We accept all major credit and etc cards (VISA, MasterCard, wallet, Comments. See more. kamom7 icon. kamom7.

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1 week ago. Nice one, like storing my eth here.

I AM BACK!! - Start of the new series!!!

The “Chain ID” must be “61” because that is the specific ID of the Ethereum Classic etc for sending ETC transactions by wallets and nodes to. If you have assets on networks that were wallet supported by Coinbase Wallet (BCH, ETC Article source happens to my assets if I don't move them from my Coinbase.

One of the etc why the ETH/ETC deposit wallet not been credited to your wallet could be due to the deposit amount not exceeding the.

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